How and When Children Develop Their Circadian Rhythm

How and When Children Develop Their Circadian Rhythm

The world of parenting is a constant exploration and one of the milestones that may not be as obvious as first steps or first words is the development of a child's circadian rhythm. This internal biological clock plays a crucial role in regulating sleep-wake cycles, and understanding when and how it develops can help you to establish healthy sleep habits early on.

The Early Days

In the first few months of life, newborns don't have a well-established circadian rhythm. Their sleep patterns are sporadic, with a need for frequent feedings and diaper changes dictating their schedule. At this stage, babies sleep for shorter durations and may struggle to differentiate between day and night.

Around 3-4 months

Around the age of 3 to 4 months, you may start to notice some semblance of a routine emerging. Babies begin to develop a more distinct sleep-wake cycle, and their ability to sleep for longer stretches at night gradually improves. This is a critical time for parents to start introducing consistent bedtime routines to help solidify their circadian rhythm.

6-12 months

As your baby grows, so does their circadian rhythm. By six months, many infants can sleep for more extended periods at night, and daytime naps become more predictable. It's essential to establish consistent sleep patterns during this stage, as routine plays a significant role in shaping their internal clock.


By the time your child reaches toddlerhood, usually around 1-3 years old, their circadian rhythm becomes more established. Most toddlers require around 11-14 hours of sleep per day, with a combination of night time sleep and daytime naps. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule during this period helps solidify healthy sleep habits that can last a lifetime.

There are several factors that influence the development of a healthy circadian rhythm, here are a few:

  • Light Exposure: Natural light exposure helps regulate the circadian rhythm. Encourage outdoor play during the day and create a dark, calming environment during bedtime.
  • Consistent Bedtime Routine: A consistent bedtime routine signals to your child that it's time to wind down, helping reinforce their circadian rhythm.
  • Nutrition: A well-balanced diet supports overall health, contributing to a well-regulated circadian rhythm.
  • Parental Involvement: Parental involvement and responsiveness to your child's sleep needs can positively influence the development of their circadian rhythm.

    It's important to keep in mind that all children are unique and it's important to be aware of your child's individual needs as you nurture their circadian rhythms. Take note of when they appear to be sleepy or when they seem more alert and engaged, begin to build their day in a way that makes best use of their natural highs and lows and you'll be well on the way to supporting them in the development of a healthy circadian rhythm.